FullerLips Enhancer !! Plump Or Dump ?? By Sj && Gb

"What Sj Says About This Product" !!
Ooo La la ;)

"Lets Get Start"!!
The Smal One Was Tooo Small to get any kind Of suction but but this one work like a charm ;)

Just Be Sure Don't Suck too Hard :D

Voi'laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;) without lip-gloss && kind a look Uneven :p

  "What Jeee bees Says About this product"!!
You realy have to practice before you get the hang of it ;)

Works as described But lips doesn't last Max 30 min

la la la Keep it in your purse because the pump doesn't last veryy long but over all good product ;)

"Our Final Thoughts" ;)

This really works. My only complain is that it much smaller than I have expected and for people who already have bigger lips like me && want some settle change, it seems to be more work to target smaller areas at times!! So definitely a PLUMP ;) 

These actually work! Now they don't last all day, more like a couple hours. But if you're lips are small then I say it will last only like an hour to maybe 30 minutes. But the product does work and I love using these... Defenetily PLUMP !:D

PS: You can order this product on Ebay && other sites as-well .

Hope you all like this post ;) don't forget to share your experience with us ;)
See you all in next Post/Review ;) till then Stay Blessed && Happy <3 


  1. suck it real good........
    then wait for the final touch
    fallong in love with review
    love it
    keep going
    ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♢.♢♢♢♢☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆best blogger for short bb

  2. Great review, I've seen this product all over, its kinda interesting!


  3. & its working just fine ;) do try :)

  4. This is something new. Your lips do seem fuller. Thankx for sharing


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