Outfit of the day

December 18, 2012
Hi everyone ,
I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately because I've been really really sick because I'm suffering from chickenpox. But here I am back with another post and this one is going to be an Outfit of the day.
Here are the pictures of the outfit:

It is a brown linen dress i dont know exactly about the fabric.The colour combination of brown and blue and the sleeves canbe folded to give a bit diffrent touch,it looks really awesome.I like the fabric very much because its really soft and comfortable and the prices are reasonable aswell so its a must have.I totally love their dresses n work.

The dress itself is really pretty.It has these peacock feathers embroided on the front of the dress which enhanced the beauty of this dress.
what do u guys think?  Give your feedback in the comments below.

This dress is designed by SSR and its from his first collections, it was priced PKR 2200. Like his page if you  want to stay updated of his designs.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post.
Stay healthy and beautiful <3

This dress is a PR Sample sent for review.


Thank You for your comment. :) <3

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